Monday, December 14, 2009


Yes, I fell off the face of the blogosphere.

Here’s what happened (it’s not a very good story, but I feel I owe you an explanation, however lame it is): my computer crashed and died. We took it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy—not a promising step, considering that Gideon practically is the Geek Squad and he couldn’t fix it himself. It stayed at Best Buy for over 4 weeks. We lost everything. And I am not one of those responsible people who back up my computer regularly. I’m not even sure if I know how to back up a computer. So, anyway, we lost a bunch of stuff. Gideon broke the news to me while we were out on a hike. That was a good idea because no one could hear my cries of pure distress. Mainly it was the lost photos that bummed me out. Fortunately, our trip photos were not lost since they remain on the photo card in the camera. I also lost my resume, so now I won’t ever get a job since the thing took so freaking long to write and I can’t deal with redoing it. Okay, I can redo it and I will. But you see, this is the emotional affect this crash has had on me. I just threw my hands up at the computer and quit for weeks on end. I was doing so well with my blog too, and I just quit. I didn’t want to see a computer, let alone trust one with my thoughts and feelings. I missed writing, but I was boycotting technology. I’m sorry I left you hanging. I fell off the blog horse and now I have two months worth of stories to catch up on. Don’t worry; I won’t tell them all in this post. But I will get caught up—I’m back on the horse. So there, crummy computer! You can’t keep a good blogger down!

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