August 4th... a very special day. Not only is August 4th my birthday, it is also the birthday of my mom's BFF, Sandy; Gideon's cousin Maddie; Tom the dog (of brother Brad and sister-in-law Amy); NH teaching buddy, Bridget; and PREZ of the U.S., BARACK OBAMA! Speaking of President Obama, while out for a fancy birthday dinner, he showed up with his entourage and sat at the table next to ours. He came over to say hello and to shake our hands. I said, "Happy birthday Mr. President. It's my birthday too." He replied with a big Obama smile, "Hey, that makes us birthday twins!" Then we did a little birthday twin pinky lock! Can you believe it? I am crazy about that charming man! He made my day! (Okay, so it was a very vivid dream after 3 birthday ice cream cones, but still, it was cool to pinky lock with the president.)
Here are some shots of my real-life birthday... pretty dreamy here at the beach even if I didn't get to hang out with my VIP birthday twin.

"Honey, you know this is going on my blog, right?"

I'm the one who gets to ham it up on my birthday.

We're too sexy for this beach... not.

Birthday picnic on the beach.

My favorite beach bums.

Life is good.

Duke, the host with the most!

Dueling cave women.

Beach bocci ball.

My first of three birthday ice cream cones.
I actually thought you were serious about the Obama thing!! :) Even though I'm not a fan of his, I would have thought that was cool too! :) Glad you had an awesome B-day bash at the beach, wishi i could be there! will we see you at Myra's on the 22nd?