Sunday, September 13, 2009

On to the next step

It was with sad hearts that we left "Pleasure Island" and our wonderful family and friends there last week. Our time in Carolina Beach was beyond special; it was a true gift. Gideon and I had the unique privilege of experiencing the consequences of some courageous life choices made by Tracee and Duke--the choice to leave the rat race and create a life that works for their family. Our time with them has opened our eyes to the many possibilities that we can pursue to make a life that is more to our liking. For that, we will be forever grateful to Tracee, Duke, their kids, and the rest of the Belo family. We miss you all so much already and can't wait to get back there to open a fudge and ice cream shop down the boardwalk to give you a little healthy competition. Just kidding!

So, what is next for us? Just a little road trip... from Frederick, Maryland, to Yosemite, California. About one month on the road, and 4,700 miles to go. Unfortunately, Josie will not be joining us on this adventure since dogs aren't allowed on any trails in the many National Parks will be be visiting. She'll be staying in Frederick with her favorite cousin, Kaila, and Gideon's mom and sister. Josie loves being with them, so I'm not worried about her. We will be taking along our new baby though, Mark II--our new Canon SLR digital camera. (Did I fool any of you?) I can't promise higher quality writing on this blog during our travels, but you can bet on a major improvement in the quality of the photos I will be posting. So, keep in touch; leave comments... Although I love Gideon more than my luggage, I have a feeling I will be desperate for some other human contact over the next month.

Click on the map below to get a larger version of our cross-country route.


  1. Have the best adventure ever! I can't wait to see some pictures!!!! Love you guys! Drive safe!

  2. hey beautiful! that's almost the exact route i took to move out to san diego (that was 10 years ago, yikes!!!). it's beautiful and has a ton of interesting things to see. like the world's largest prairie dog. mmhm. lemme know if you're interested but kev's fam has a cabin near yosemite in bass lake. call anytime &'ll only be about 6 hours away!!!
