Thursday, March 4, 2010

Birthday time in Kathmandu

Yesterday, Ethan turned six years old.  In his short time on the planet, Ethan has lived in Maryland, India, and now, Nepal.  He is a special little guy and he is living the kind of adventurous life most folks only dream of. 

Unfortunately, Ethan’s big day was slightly less than perfect because he too came down with a bug.  When he arrived home from school, he was so wiped out that he stayed in the car while Shree washed it.  When he did come into the house, he went straight to his bed, barely noticing the birthday balloons and banners Neesha had decorated the house with. 

Instead of going out to dinner at Ethan’s favorite restaurant in Kathmandu (a Japanese sushi place, I think), Mike picked up some Pizza Hut pizzas.  We celebrated at home by candlelight since the power was cycling on and off throughout the city—a fact of life in Kathmandu.  Fortunately, the children’s Motrin had kicked in a bit and Ethan was able to work up enough steam to eat dinner and birthday cake, as well as open his many gifts from his parents as well as those sent by adoring family members back in the States. 

I wonder what Ethan will be like twenty years from now, after a childhood spent all over the world.  He definitely channels Dennis the Menace right now, but I have a feeling he is going to grow up to be the kind of person who will make friends and feel at home anywhere. 

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