Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All in a day's walk

One of our favorite things to do up here on the Hill is to go hiking through the woods.  Usually these walks are initiated by Gideon who gathers the dogs, looks them in their puppy eyes and says, "Who.  Wants.  To. GO ON A WALK?!"  The dogs are whipped into an instant and utter frenzy.  They start jumping on top of each other, biting each other, whining and barking, as they try to claw their way out the front door.  It's highly entertaining for us humans.

Off we go, either up the hill to the lookout points, with views to the San Francisco Bay on a clear day, or down the hill to "The Ranch", where Aaron grew up and where his Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Teddy still live.

Yesterday, we decided to go towards the Ranch.  Polly joined us as well since she had the day off.  One great thing about going to the Ranch is that we can pick up fresh, organic, cage-free eggs gathered from the dozens of Ranch hens.  They are yummy and colorful.

Gideon also fills his pockets with Meyer lemons picked from the trees by the one of the Ranch houses.  They smell so amazing--unlike anything you'd smell at the grocery store.  And they look just plain lovely too.

Another bonus of the Ranch walk is that it takes us past some of Gideon's best Chanterelle mushroom spots.  Being that it's been pretty rainy lately, we had a feeling that we might have some luck, but no one expected that Gideon would find the mother load of Chanterelles.  Check these babies out!





Now excuse me while I go eat my Chanterelle omelet. 


  1. i think i just broke my computer trying to climb into the screen to smell those lemons.

  2. ...and i'm super hungry right now. i believe a bit of drool may have landed on my keyboard. hahaa! just kidding. :)

  3. Wow. I am totally coming to your place for Y3K when the world as we know it ends and grocery stores no longer have lemons, free range eggs, and fancy mushrooms. Maybe I'll come before then. Not sure.

  4. Emily, I just LOVE reading your blog and following your life in CA and beyond. Your Dad put me on to your website and I am so enjoying it. Please keep it up, it's great!
