Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's happening... I'm becoming an American

I've never liked football.  In fact, I've pretty much always avoided the sport.  I've always wondered why I was so different than all of my friends, especially being that I am from Pittsburgh, one of the most football crazy towns in the United States.  I'll go so far as to say I've felt downright un-American at times.

Today we were invited to our friends, Brian and Katie's house, to watch the Superbowl.  I've done this before, but I go simply for the food and camaraderie, and maybe the commercials.  I had particularly low expectations for tonight's game, especially since the Steelers were taking a break this year.  (I actually watched a few minutes of the Superbowl last year, placed a bet and won $9.00!  Pure lucky break.)  Tonight I came prepared with my stash of card games and a book in case football fatigue struck.  I was actually pretty excited to play a few hands of Five Crowns.

Here's where my story gets strange.  For no apparent reason, I actually watched the whole game.  I know!  Really strange behavior on my part.  And, not only did I watch the game, but I kind of, sort of, understood it.  This is MAJOR!  A first for me!  All of the sudden I feel a little more American.  I watched an entire game of football... and I'm considering doing it again sometime.

So, when do these games start up again?

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